Friday, December 28, 2018

"We'll Nuke Your Ass!"

That’s what one Dumocrat congressman in California wants to tell gun owners who won’t “give up their guns.” Never mind the Constitution prohibits any lawmaker from doing anything like that. California congressman Eric Swalwell apparently doesn’t know much about the Constitution, or he wouldn’t make such an absurd suggestions. And I hope he’s using “nuke” as a simile. The idea of a nuclear explosion on an American citizen is about as absurd as you can get. If he’s serious, he has committed a crime. For the United States government to even CONSIDER using a nuclear device against Americans would also be criminal, and for a local, state lawmaker to even suggest it is stupidity. Apparently Swalwell, like most Dumocrats, is obsessed with gaining power over the rest of us. They claim that Trump wants total power, but in reality, it is the Dumocrats who do. Somebody needs to wake this jerk up to reality. The reality that there are still SOME limits to his power as a lowly state lawmaker. Somebody told him that to take away our guns would mean war. He replied that the war would be a short one because “the government has nukes.” As if the government would actually USE nukes on Americans. But that person who said taking our guns away completely would mean war is serious. Maybe not “all out war,” but war, nonetheless. And people like Swalwell would be the first casualties. (Legal Insurrection)

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