Monday, December 31, 2018

Democrats Are Stupid!

That’s the only thing I can think of to explain most of their plans for the next Congress. All their plans are stupid, but the stupidest are their plans to increase their efforts at gun control, in opposition to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution clearly states that no law shall be made that “INFRINGES” on the right of ALL AMERICANS to be armed for self defense. Yet they spend most of their time hatching and passing many laws, each one of which DOES “infringe” on that right. Never mind their laws only stop the law-abiding (who mostly are NOT the problem) from getting guns, leaving them DEFENSELESS against the guns in the hands of the people who do not OBEY laws (who ARE the problem). There has not been a single law passed that actually stops a criminal or other miscreant from getting a gun. At the same time, they DISARM the law-abiding, making them DEFENSELESS, and INCREASING “gun crime.” We keep telling them this, but they keep ignoring that, and then they vilify us for saying it, without answering our charges with facts. That’s because there ARE no facts to support their position. (Wall Street Journal)

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