Wednesday, December 26, 2018

No "Thoughts and Prayers"

I never thought I’d agree with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on anything. But his take (echoing the Thousand Oaks bar killer) on that shooting is “right on.” What good have “thoughts and prayers” ever done AFTER a bunch of innocent people have been murdered? The part of the diatribe from both with which I disagree is that we should enact even more of those USELESS anti-gun fool laws that only do one thing: make life easier for the criminals, who just IGNORE them, bring their (usually) illegally-obtained guns with them, and victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey laws—even if they disagree with them. Yes, giving “thoughts and prayers” to the victims of these atrocities do make the SURVIVORS feel better—like they’re actually DOING something in response. But usually they are just homilies to maybe make somebody feel better in their frustration that nothing seems ABLE to be done to stop these senseless killings. The problem is that nobody has been able to come up with anything that will do anything to stop these atrocities, no matter how many useless laws they make, until they start figuring out how to get to those would-be killers BEFORE they go on their killing sprees, OR let responsible, law-abiding Americans be armed for self defense, so a would-be killer can be stopped BEFORE he can kill a bunch or UNARMED, DEFENSELESS people he usually doesn’t even know. (The Blaze)

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