Monday, December 10, 2018

The Germans Get It

Word is, application for gun carry permits have increased 130% since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the borders and allowed just anybody to come in. “Following the mass sexual assaults on women in Cologne and other German cities on the 2015 New Year’s Eve, many Germans have lost their faith in the state and law enforcement when it comes to tackling migrant crime. ‘Rising perceptions of insecurity have been cited as a key factor in the increase in issued licenses,’ the broadcaster reported.” Hmmm...Germans have “lost confidence” in the cops to protect them. No kidding. The cops themselves (those in the trenches, anyway) will tell you they CAN’T “protect them.” All they can do is arrive AFTER the gunfire ends, clean up the scene, dispose of the bodies (if any), and send the wounded to the hospital, then question everybody to see if maybe they can find and prosecute the shooter. That is, in no way, protection. The ONLY real protection is a gun in the hand of a law-abiding person to MATCH the gun in the hand of the law BREAKER, who will always be able to get a gun, no matter how tight the anti-gun laws are. Until that happens, there will always be those precious MINUTES it takes the cops to get there with their guns, and that can mean DEATH for the law-abiding, who are “easy targets” for criminals, with their ILLEGAL guns. (Legal Insurrection)

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