Thursday, December 20, 2018

Anti-Gun Fool Plans

“Crazy Nancy” Peelosi is promising their major push in congress after they become the majority party in the House will be gun control. Their focus groups have decided that the Republicans only lost enough seats in the House to give control back to Dumocrats because of their stance against gun control. I don’t see how they figure that, since it is a proven fact that a MAJORITY of Americans believe the right to be armed for self defense to be sacrosanct. This is another case of them repeating a lie over and over so it will become accepted as “true.” Meanwhile, not a single one of their highly touted anti-gun laws have done a single thing to “reduce gun violence, and nobody has been able to come up with a single law that will. If you ask an anti-gun fool about that, they have no answer. So they immediately start calling you names, like “gun nut” or “NRA member.” (used as an insult) Their favorite anti-gun law is the creation of “gun-free zones” where, they think, nobody, including law breakers, will being their guns. But law breakers don’t obey laws. That’s why they are called law breakers. They actually SEEK OUT gun-free zones in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding will not be armed there, and will be “easy targets.” (Bearing Arms)

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