Thursday, December 6, 2018

Passed A Background Check

Not being a felon at the time, he had no trouble passing. Then he took his newly-purchased (legally) gun, and went out and killed a bunch of people with it. Another man couldn’t hope to pass a background check because he was either a felon, or had exhibited some mental health shortcomings, so he went out and found another felon in a back alley selling guns out of his trunk, and bought what he needed. Buying guns on the black market requires no background check. Then he took his newly-purchased gun and killed a bunch of people with it. Now I ask you: “What earthly good is a gun law if it doesn’t stop such things?” And the unalterable fact is, none do. They never have. All the anti-gun laws, all over the world, have done NOTHING to stop, or even slow down, “gun violence.” So what the hell good are they? Anti-gun fools have to know this. God knows, I’ve told them every chance I get. But they continue to insist on the making of more and more of them, in spite of the sure knowledge that they do NOTHING. What’s WRONG with these people? Don’t they ever learn from experience? Apparently not. (Just common sense)

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