Monday, December 3, 2018

Gun Grabbers Hate It

They tell us every day that “gun crime is rising,” and we just need more anti-gun laws to cure it. But then reality steps in. Gun crime is DOWN. The gun murder rate is the lowest it has been since 1961. And in states where legal carry is allowed, it has gone down even more. Some states with intelligent lawmakers even allow non-felons and non mentally disturbed people to carry without the necessity of buying a license. What’s our data source for this? The FBI. Not the most conservative of sources. What’s responsible? Certainly not the anti-gun laws liberals seem bent on passing. One factor is that the prison population has quadrupled. Not because of tougher laws, but because the laws there have been better enforced. Executions for capital crimes since 1980 have quadrupled. Not because we have become more vengeful, but because the death penalty has been applied more often when a criminal commits a really dastardly crime. The liberal tendency toward less punishment for criminals, and more “understanding” of what prompts them to commit crimes has lessened. The tendency to blame the guns has lessened, as well, contrary to what the anti-gun fools tell us. In fact, everything they tell us is a lie. The number of concealed carry permits issued have also quadrupled. Something the anti-gun fools hate with a passion. (American Thinker)

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