Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Acting "Boldly and Decisively"

The Dumocrats, basking in their newfound power in the House, promise to “act boldly and decisively on new gun laws.” Never mind they don’t work worth a damn to reduce gun crime. They want to pass even more USELESS gun laws that only make it easier for the bad guys to victimize the good guys by DISARMING the good guys. That this causes many deaths of innocent people doesn’t seem to bother them. They just want to keep on making these laws, in spite of the fact that they are not only INEFFECTIVE, they PROMOTE gun crime. I don’t know what drives these imbeciles to do that. Are they just STUPID? Or do they have an ulterior motive? I think they have an ulterior motive. To disarm the population and make it easier for the government to oppress them. Politicians always want “total power,” even if they deny it. While denying it, they work assiduously to gain it. They already have a good start in the RICO Laws, ostensibly passed to take away the money rich drug dealers use to defend themselves in court. An unconstitutional wish on it’s face, but one they use all the time. They don’t even have to convict you of a crime to take all your money if they “think” you got that money illegally. This, in effect, denies you the right to an effective defense, something to which we are all entitled, under the Constitution. (The Hill)

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