Monday, December 17, 2018

Against Effective Measures

That’s the “gun control lobby.” They propose many things they CALL “common sense” gun laws that are not common sense, at all, since they don’t work worth a damn to keep ILLEGAL gun owners from their crimes. Not one single anti-gun law has EVER stopped a single shooter from killing people, whether or not he has his gun or guns legally. Meanwhile, they oppose proven methods to reduce gun crime, out of hand, because they don’t agree with them. ALLOWING (not requiring) teachers an other school staff who are LICENSED to carry their guns, to bring them to school with them, so they will not be defenseless when some loony bin comes in to kill a bunch of students is an EFFECTIVE deterrent, but they won’t even entertain the idea. No, those teachers and other school staff are normally responsible people and will NOT “go bananas” and start shooting students for sport, as the anti-gun fools want us to think. They think limiting the size of magazines for legal gun owners will keep ILLEGAL gun owners from having magazines as big as they can buy on the black market. All the laws they propose apply ONLY to LEGAL gun owners, while ignoring the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL gun owners there are out there. No; all they do is endanger legal gun owners while they’re reloading, while illegal gun owners are still shooting with their high-capacity magazines. All their “common sense anti-gun laws” do is make the law-abiding “easy targets” for criminals, who obey NO laws. (Just common sense)

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