Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Using the Left's Jargon

One thing that ticks off the left more than anything else is when we use their own jargon to pillory them. That's why it's such a good thing to say, "If a good guy with a gun saves only one life." That's one of their favorite excuses for passing all those USELESS anti-gun laws that save not a SINGLE life. They love to say that whenever they get a fool law passed and people complain. The problem is, none of their laws ever save one life. They only put controls on people, and what they can do. Today, you can hardly fart without having some kind of a "permit," authorized by some silly law, made to "save one life," and which does not. We need to use their own jargon more often to put the quietus ro their scams and schemes. If you examine what they say, AND what they do, you'll notice that nothing they say or do makes any sense. But they keep saying and doing them. (Las Vegas Review-Journal)

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