Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"Ban Cars!" Seriously

That's what a writer for Buzz Feed thinks, anyway. " In the coming days, politicians will try to convince you that what happened on the West Side Highway in Manhattan recently was an issue of terrorism, immigration, or religion. But just like the plague of mass shootings is a gun problem, the thousands of people killed by cars as they walk our streets every year is a car problem." I'm not sure if this writer is serious or writing with tongue firmly in cheek. But this article serves to show how silly, stupid, and illogical it is to want to ban guns because some people misuse them. He says that, "As 6.000 Americans are killed by cars last year walking the streets, and terrorists embrace this deadly power. Car-free cities make even more sense." Actually, it makes just as much sense as banning guns, since people who want to drive will find a way, illegally, if possible. And the carnage will continue. Banning cars will inconvenience millions of people. But if this guy is serious, he doesn't care about that. And I'll bet he owns a car, too. Those who want cars will get them, one way or the other. This article easily illustrates the complete LACK of intelligence displayed by the anti-gun fools in ignoring the PEOPLE holding the guns and blaming the guns, themselves. (Buzz Feed)

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