Tuesday, November 7, 2017

They'll Use Something Else

The anti-gun fools (emphasis on FOOLS) think the way to self defense is to DISARM yourself, leaving the field clear for the thugs with their ILLEGAL guns to kill you. They think they can stop such crimes by mysteriously getting rid of all LEGAL guns while doing nothing to get rid of the ILLEGAL guns already out there. This is ILLOGIC, but they deny the very EXISTENCE of logic AND common sense. In communist China, it's almost impossible to get a gun legally. So those wanting to kill a bunch of innocent people just use a knife. Several fools did just that recently, in Kunming, China, at a railway station, where four knife-wielding men murdered 29 people and wounded another 130. Not a single gun was involved, AGAIN proving what intelligent people have been saying for a long time, but which STUPID people ignore while they make their USELESS and UNENFORCEABLE anti-gun laws. The "bad guys," if they can't get guns, WILL "find a way" to do their evil deeds. Fortunately, there WERE some "good guys with guns" (though I hesitate to call Chinese cops "good guys"), who came on the scene and soon all the knife attackers were dead, having been shot to death. Once again, guns stopped the carnage. But anti-gun fools would include the killings in their "gun violence" figures, to further fool us. (Conservative Tribune)

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