Wednesday, November 8, 2017

"Done Nothing On Guns"

The liberals keep telling us the Congress is "complicit" in gun deaths because they have "done nothing" to stop gun crime. What would they have them do? Everything they have tried up to now has done NOTHING to stop gun crime, so what should they try next? "Gun-free zones" doesn't work. Every mass shooting up to now has occurred IN a "gun-free zone." Mass shooters SEEK OUT gun-free zones because they can be pretty sure law-abiding people will not be armed there. Safe storage laws don't work. They only make it harder for legal gun owners to get their guns in operation fast enough to defend against an ILLEGAL gun. Gun registration and background checks haven't worked, because mass shooters often have no records, or just get their guns ILLEGALLY. Even a complete gun ban wouldn't work for the same reason. None of the other laws on the books have worked. So what new "gun law" will work? I don't have the answer, except to arm the law-abiding, but the anti-gun fools won't hear of it. Their minds are "set in stone." so don't confuse them with facts. (The Atlantic)

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