Friday, November 10, 2017

"Feel Good " Solutions

This article says the Las Vegas killings have "brought gun control to new prominence." Where has this guy BEEN? All the Las Vegas shooting did was give the anti-gun fools yet one more excuse to promote their favorite "common sense solution" to gun violence, none of which have ever saved a single life from a shooting. He rightly notes that the revolution that freed us from the tyranny of a British King was as a result of the crown's attempt to DISARM the colonists. And after we freed ourselves, some of us continued the fight started by the British to disarm the American people. He says "any attempt to ban guns will result in a "tragic constitutional war." And he's right when he said that "We have a penchant for reacting only with emotion to horrific events like the Las Vegas massacre. This can lead to impetuous decisions and ultimately foolish legislation. We just wring our hands and say “something’s better than nothing!” Then we jump into the middle of a new policy without much thought (italics mine -RT) The fact that not a single one of their "common sense solutions" have worked is instructive. Meanwhile, allowing more law-abiding people to have and use guns for self defense has caused a significant REDUCTION in "gun violence." (The Courier)

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