Monday, September 8, 2014

Teachers "Packing?"

The question is, “Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in school?” The answer is ABSOLUTELY! Yes! ANYBODY who has a “carry permit” should be allowed to carry his/her gun wherever he/she goes. Any responsible person should be allowed to bring their guns into schools, restaurants, and even bars. That’s why we HAVE “carry permits.” Those people are examined to see if that ARE responsible people. Keeping guns out of schools is STUPID. It tells potential shooters there will be no unexpected guns there to “take them out” if they come in shooting. “Gun-free zones” of ANY kind KILL people; I remember the Texas woman who was forced to leave her legally carried gun in the car when she and her parents went into a restaurant that did not allow guns. Of course, that didn’t stop the guy who came in and killed her parents and others in front of her eyes while her gun remained out of reach. Shooters not knowing who might be armed is the best way to deter such shootings. (Just common sense)

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