Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Only Belong In War"

This letter writer says, “assault weapons only belong in war.” What the hell does he think we’re IN?” In Chicago, oftentimes more people are killed by illegal guns than in Iraq or Afghanistan in the same time period. Criminals use automatic weapons routinely. That’s why the cops in LA had to go to a GUN STORE to get weapons to equal those being used by the bank robbers they were trying to apprehend. We are IN a war against gun suppression by fools who want to disarm the populace. They SAY it’s to “keep guns off the streets,” but it doesn’t. Criminals don’t obey laws and they always get their guns. All their laws do is keep guns out of the hands of HONEST people so as to make them “easy targets” for illegally-armed criminals. We keep telling them this, but they keep not listening, and continue to pass their useless anti-gun laws. (Times-Union)

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