Sunday, September 7, 2014

Anti-Gun Fools Are Wrong

First of all, they’re OBSESSED with the AR-15 or guns like it. That’s not what we want. I personally wouldn’t want one, and I am an adamant PRO-gun activist. If I ever came up AGAINST a criminal armed with one, yes. I would want one. But not as everyday protection from criminals who have no trouble getting their ILLEGAL guns. The guy who went into the Kroger store carrying one is INSANE. He did nothing in that action but give the anti-gun FOOLS “ammunition” to use in their drive to stop us from being able to defend ourselves from ILLEGALLY-armed criminals. They call the NRA’s idea that “government thugs will go door-to-door confiscating (stealing) our guns irrational. But is it? History proves it is a real danger that, if the government ever found out where ALL the guns were, governments have been KNOWN to do just that. The anti-gun fools are the irrational ones. Of course, in this magazine article, they use a “leggy blond” showing her legs almost up to the juncture to further minimize what we do. Oh, by the way: I’m not a “gun enthusiast” OR a “hunter.” I just believe I ought to have the right to defend myself, and to own and carry the means to that end, a gun. (Marquette Magazine)

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