Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bad Old Ideas

Anti-gun fools never give up on their “bad old ideas.” They still think CRIMINALS will “turn in their guns” if they offer them a few bucks for them. That this is a stupid idea is so obvious I don’t even need to say it. Yes, SOME criminals will turn in old, barely serviceable guns to get the money to buy newer, working guns from other criminals. But you can bet a criminal will NOT “turn in” a serviceable gun. This idea is as bad as the one that makes them think registering a legally-bought gun will make criminals “register” the guns they buy out of the trunks of cars in back alleys. We’ve told them and told them these ideas don’t work, but they keep on “dusting them off” and bringing them out again and again. What is it that was said about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Oh; that’s the definition of insanity, right? Is it something they’ve been smoking? Are they taking stupid pills, what? (Bradenton Herald)

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