Friday, September 5, 2014

Sheriff Defends CCW

Mike Lewis, Sheriff of Wicomico County, MD, couldn’t agree more that criminals should have it made harder for them to obtain their guns. In the next breath, he says, “But we don’t need to strip law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment right to bear arms.” He says he will vociferously fight any attempt by the feds to take those rights away from his citizens, which, I presume, means he will ARREST any federal agent who tries, and charge him/her with a crime. I think it goes without saying that we need a lot more sheriffs like him to offset all the cops who go about hassling people who LEGALLY carry their guns, as if they were criminals. Too many cops see an armed man on the street who has a “carry permit” carrying a gun, and hassle him. This is wrong, and it needs to stop (The Patriot Post)

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