Saturday, September 6, 2014

Guns Can't Kill!

Surprise, surprise! Anti-gun fools want us to think guns are our ENEMY. That if we don’t watch them, and keep them away from us, they’ll KILL us. But, as usual with anti-gun fools, that’s a “pipe dream.” An unloaded gun is an inert object. It cannot load itself and pull its trigger. To do that, it needs a human being. Guns are good, OR bad, depending on the person holding them. The proof is, when you see danger coming your way with a gun in its hand, who do you call? You call other men with guns, that’s who you call. They need their guns to oppose the “bad guy” with a gun. So guns are NOT inherently bad. Guns in the right hands keep us safe. But anti-gun fools forget that. Or they just don’t know it. They’re s stupid enough. The guy in this video did everything he could to make his gun mad enough to load itself and shoot him, with no response. So their BASIC ideas are flawed. We don’t NEED law against guns. We need laws against the USE of a gun in the commission of a crime. We need to make it a “career-ender” to be caught committing a crime with a gun, with those laws MANDATED to be enforced, not used as a “bargaining chip” to get convictions in other crimes. (Patriot ActionNetwork)

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