Monday, February 3, 2014

Supr Bowl Security

SUPER BOWL SECURITY: The stadium in which the Super Bowl is played is a “gun-free zone”—except for the cops. It was like an armed camp there. What do they use to “protect us” against illegally-armed crazies? LEGALLY armed shooters, including hidden SNIPERS. If anybody “gets frisky” with a gun, guess what: a guy hidden in the rafters with a gun shoots him. Which again proves my theory that more honest people with guns would trump one crazy with a gun and cost a LOT less. But politicians never listen to the “voice of reason.” They think they can stop gun violence by banning guns. You CAN’T ban guns. Criminals and crazies will ALWAYS be able to get their guns out of the trunks of cars in a back alley somewhere. So those laws DO NOT WORK. So why keep making them? Why not make some laws to punish criminal who use a gun to commit a crime more than without? That CAN work. But they ignore that logic in their ignorance. Then they send out lots of expensive people with legal guns to “protect us” in the absence of logical gun laws. (London Daily Mail)

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