Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The AG Lies

Attorneys General are supposed to be the pre-eminent authority on what is, or is not lawful in their state. I remember, years ago, when I started selling tear gas guns for self defense, asking the Indiana AG for a “ruling” on their legality, and got one. The most recent “ruling” by the Virginia AG is a LIE. He should be ashamed of himself. Yes, their “red flag laws” ARE laws. At least, as far as he is concerned. One little problem. If a law does not conform to the Constitution, it is NOT A LAW. It is as if it did not exist. And as such, you are not forced to obey it. Yes, the legislature passed it, and the governor signed it, both knowing it was unconstitutional, hoping to enforce it until one day, long in the future, the Supreme Court got around to so declaring it. Long after the damage has been done to innocent people. In New York State, the governor is increasing the prison financing, knowing he’s going to illegally send people to prison for having LEGAL guns. Virginia will have to do that’ too. Because they are not going to be able to afford all the innocent people they send to prison with their unconstitutional law without a lot more money in the prison budget. (Town Hall)

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