Monday, July 20, 2020

Background Checks Don't Work

Surprise, surprise! An anti-gun law that doesn’t reduce gun deaths. You’d think they’d learn, since none—not a single one—of the highly touted laws they pass to “protect you” from “gun crime” has ever prevented a single instance of gun crime. Background checks don’t prevent gun crime because the background checks can only be run on LEGAL gun sales, while ILLEGAL gun sales are not subject to a background check—and criminals and other malcontents, knowing they are going to use their guns for bad things will not make the mistake of giving the government their name and address, and the make and model of their gun or guns. Then there are “gun-free zones.” these are “free-fire zones” for the bad guys, who SEEK THEM OUT in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding—who are their intended victims-- will not be armed, and able to effectively oppose them. Again, they only apply to LEGAL gun owners. Do you see a trend, here? Right: these laws ONLY apply to LEGAL gun buyers and owners, and NOT to the criminal element. The same is true of ALL their anti-gun laws, which is why they’re ALL so ineffective in “reducing gun crime.” I won’t go into other anti-gun laws, because I would be repeating myself. They ALL have the problem that they CANNOT apply to the criminal element in our society. (WAMU)

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