Monday, July 27, 2020

Liberal Politicians Are Stupid

How these lame brain fools got into office amazes me. Mayor Lightbrain in Chicago is one of the worst. She didn’t make all the ineffective, unenforceable anti-gun laws in Chicago, but she agrees totally with their “enforcement,” which only serves to get the law abiding killed, since they are the only ones who have trouble getting guns with which to defend themselves from the law breakers, who never have ANY trouble getting the guns they use to victimize the law abiding. Large cities all over the country suffer from the same stupidity displayed in Chicago by Mayor Lightbrain, and murder rates remain high. In NYC, Mayor DiStupid is “enforcing” his anti-gun laws while taking a BILLION DOLLARS away from his cops, effectively destroying any effectiveness they may have had on “defending” their citizens while making them “easy targets” along with the unarmed citizens. How STUPID do you have to be to do something like that. And remember, the mayor has his own “protection detail.” That has NOT been “defunded.” So do all the other politicians who disarm the PEOPLE while maintaining their on “security. This kind of stupidity is being repeated all over the country, and worse all over the world where they don’t have a Second Amendment. Why won’t these fools LEARN? They have to know their silly anti-gun laws don’t work worth a damn, but they continue to rely on them. And make new ones. (Just common sense)

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