Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Self Defense With Guns

It used to be that an individual could use what is necessary to defend himself and his home. No more. A St. Louis coupe had the audacity to defend themselves and their home with guns after ANTIFA mobsters made some specific threats against them and marched on their home, threatening them further. Apparently, now only the leftists can threaten violence to anybody who disagrees with them. Of course, that just made the mobsters mad that they would have the audacity to actually defend themselves, so they published their name and address, inviting even more threats to them. One post on social media said this: “Someone identify these people. I don’t know the area. Get an address. I’ll help. Sue them, ruin their businesses, help their employees sabotage their capital, call their kids, call their family members, call their country club— use capitalism for the weapon it’s designed to be.” — kyle rezac-dennis (@krezacdennis) June 29, 2020 I guess today if you try and defend yourself against the mob, that mob will set out to ruin you. No longer is it acceptable for ANYBODY to disagree with a leftist mob. They will “target you” for destruction, and destruction is the only thing they’re good at. They have no answers, so they resort to violence. (Mic Drop Politics)

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