Monday, July 13, 2020

Racism As An Excuse

The Dumbocrat Party seems to be the home of racism today. Everything they do seems to be about what they imagine to be racism, and some damned fool citizens accept their premise and do some of the damndest things. Like firing a utility truck driver for cracking his knuckles, saying he was “making a white power gesture. Then there are the fools who want to disband the cops, leaving them, and everybody else defenseless against law breakers while, at the same time, making guns harder to get for the law abiding, who are not the problem. And in Seattle, a corrupt Dumbocrat city administration lost control of a section of their city and the chaos that will be coming is showing its ugly head in the two shootings there which the cops were not allowed (by the occupiers) to investigate. And mark my words, those will not be the last killings in that “autonomous zone.” therein lies stupidity and lack of control over those who would break the law. And they want to use YOUR MONEY to pay for things they have no business paying for, to buy the votes of those who wish they could live at the expense of others. They want to pay for college for all, and give Medicare to everybody without considering whether or not they can even afford to do that. But they never do. They just promise, and it never happens because once they get elected they learn their lessons that there isn’t enough money in the world to pay for it all. And it’s all because of racism, according to them. (Just common sense)

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