Thursday, July 2, 2020

As Predicted

The minute I heard about Mayor DiBlasio’s actions regarding the police and “drawing back” on law enforcement, I predicted that crime would skyrocket in NYC while people die because of his stupid actions. And, right on time, it has happened. Shootings and murders are up 100% (now more than 500%), and people are dying. Rioters and other criminals are swarming into NYC because of the promised LACK of enforcement of the law. There were 40 shootings there from June 1 to June 7. Compare that to only 24 shootings in 2019. This kind of prediction is the easiest thing there for someone with any degree of intelligence. Something DiBlasio apparently doesn’t have. Other cities likewise have decided to “draw back” from enforcing laws and have seen similar increases in violent crime. Los Angeles, for instance, has seen a 240% increase in murders. And note, most of these cities are run by Dumbocrats. Meanwhile, each of these cities have very tight anti-gun laws, which the law breakers routinely ignore. These are routine predictions I make on a regular basis—but apparently, nobody is listening. (Breitbart)

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