Friday, July 17, 2020

Make Everybody Defenseless

That seems to be the goal of the anti-gun fools. They’re not just after your guns, they want to take away ALL means of self defense. That shows graphically by their “knee-jerk response” to ANY violence, with, or without guns. It is to take away from the law-abiding ALL means of self defense. If you use a large ash tray to stop a criminal from hooting you, the first thing they want to do is take away ALL your large ash trays, so you can’t use them to defend yourself in the future. They SAY they do it to “protect you,” but what they always do does NOT protect you. It makes you more vulnerable to attack from the law-breakers, who never have any problems getting their guns. They just buy them from a thug in a back alley somewhere, or just steal them. It’s easier to buy a gun illegally than legally. NO paperwork. No waiting periods. No convincing the seller you have a “good reason” to have a gun. You just have to “know somebody” and have the money. You don’t have to stand for a background check. The anti-gun fools don’t care a whit about your self defense. They just want your guns, while you die the next time a law-breaker brings his ILLEGAL gun to shoot you. (Just common sense)

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