Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Ohio Schools Getting Smart

They’re no longer banning guns from their schools. They’re actually LETTING teachers and other staff carry their guns to school with them if they have “carry permits.” Saturday, December 14, 2013 marked the one year anniversary since a coward murdered his mother, stole her gun and her car, then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. There he broke a window through which he entered the school, murdered several administrators then walked down the hallway and shot teachers before killing a classroom full of children. All told he brutally murdered his mother, six school employees and 20 innocent children before committing suicide.” There are current laws against everything he did that day, including killing himself. Did that stop him, or even slow him down? Hardly. Laws will never slow down such people. The only way to stop them is with a gun pointed in THEIR direction and a dozen or more schools in Ohio now realize this and are doing something about it. I’d lay odds any further would-be school shooters stay clear away from this dozen schools. (AmmoLand)

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