Monday, June 1, 2020

"Only Cops Should Have Guns"

This is just one misnomer told us by the anti-gun fools. They ignore the fact that cops are just as liable to misuse their guns as do licensed gun owners—which isn’t often. They fail to realize that it is the criminal, who mostly doesn’t obey ANY laws, that is the problem. Not legal gun owners. I notice whenever they report about a shooting, they never say anything about the legality of the gun involved. That’s because in 98% of the cases of misuse of a gun it it an ILLEGAL gun that is used, while they keep making laws against LEGAL guns. It’s like target practice where the arrow isn’t even AIMED at the target. Laws limiting ownership and use of LEGAL guns does nothing to stop, or even slow down the misuse of ILLEGAL guns. Back to only cops having guns. Whenever I hear someone saying that, it is usually a politician. But what gives that politician the idea he even has the POWER to stop me from having and using a gun for self defense? The Constitution forbids the making of ANY laws “infringing” on that right, so only their arrogance makes them think they have to right to limit, or “infringe upon” that right. (Just common sense)

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