Friday, June 12, 2020

"Good Guy With Gun"

This is something the anti-gun FOOLS will not admit. That a “good guy with a gun” can, and does, make all the difference in the world when some damned fool shooter decides to kill a few people for some obscure “reason.” It’s not often “just another guy” becomes the subject of a political cartoon. There should be no opposition to the one linked here, but there will be, from the same anti-gun FOOLS I’m talking about. But the proof is there. A guy with a “screw loose” came into a church to kill a lot of people, and would have, except for Jack Wilson. He, a d a bunch of others, pulled their own guns instantly, as he first opened fire. Wilson’s bullet put an end to his plans, and his life. They called him a “security guard,” just as they called that woman in Colorado Springs, Colorado a “security guard.” But both were merely worshipers who “volunteered” as possible security, if needed. They are the ONLY “first responders” who can protect others. Anybody who denies that is stupid. (Gary Varvel)

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