Thursday, June 4, 2020

"No Conceivable Reason"

Tony Keane, writing for the Canada Broadcasting News, says, “There’s no conceivable reason why an ordinary person needs a handgun.” What planet is this fool living on? He lists a bunch of reasons why the average person should NOT have a gun, most of them assuming incompetence and lack of training on the part of the gun owner. But what he does not consider is the millions of ILLEGAL guns there are out there already in the hands of the lawless. The cops can’t be everywhere at once, so it is up to US to defend ourselves from them, and we NEED to have our own guns in order to do it. Keene shows the usual ignorance about guns and gun owners. The average gun owner is NOT the untrained fool he describes. And most cops do welcome armed assistance fro m the public when they get in trouble from one of those ubiquitous ILLEGALLY-armed lawless individuals. Keane would change his tune fast if he suddenly was faced with a gun in the hands of a criminal, as most anti-gun fools do. Anti-gun fool politicians regularly run around surrounded by professional gun carriers who carry their guns for them while denying the rest of us the same right. One thing he’s right about is that we need to actually ENFORCE the laws against misuse of guns instead of using them as “bargaining chips” to get convictions in other crimes by waiving them. (CBC)

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