Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gun Bans (Don't) Work!

New Zealand effectively banned guns, entirely. They don’t have a Second Amendment like we do, so they can do it. So their country ought to be the safest place on Earth, right? WRONG! Since their gun ban, gun crime has skyrocketed. Since the ban went into effect, they have seen more gun crime than they have seen in a decade. Last year there were 3540 instances where the “bad guys” had a gun. So what the hell GOOD is their ban? The number of guns seized by the police is up 50% over the number taken five years earlier. Of course, intelligent people are not in the least surprised by this. We predicted it. But intelligent people apparently are not running New Zealand, and they can’t see, to understand that targeting LEGAL gun owners is NOT the answer because it is the ILLEGAL gun owners who are the problem. They will get their guns, regardless, and all they are accomplishing is making the legal gun owners “easy targets” for the illegal gun owners to victimize. It’s an east decision, but not for these fools. Gang members even TOLD them as much. They said, “Hell no, we aren’t going to get rid of our guns. We need them to defend ourselves.” It’s a right idea that needs to be extended to the whole population if the politicians are smart enough. But it appears they are NOT, for they won’t even entertain the idea of allowing the populace to be armed for self defense. (Daily Caller)

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