Friday, June 5, 2020

Detroit Getting Smarter

At least its police chief is. Detroit police Chief James E, Craig has come out and frankly SAID that “armed citizens deter crime.” A long time ago when he was a police chief in California, where it takes an “act of congress” to get a carry permit (and crime is sky high), he was denying cc permits every day. But when he got to Maine, where it is EASY to get a carry permit and crime was WAY down, he changed his tune. Now he’s in Detroit, and is, against all odds, thinking the same way. And by so thinking, may single-handedly reduce violent crime in “bankrupt city.” Craig says, “Maine is the safest place on Earth,” and puts it down to the ease with which honest people can get carry permits. It’s amazing, and demonstrates his superior intelligence, that he gets this connection, which most police politicians do not. (The Blaze)

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