Tuesday, June 23, 2020

More Violence, More Guns

Politics has gotten quite a bit more violent these days, as Trump-haters go out and beat up defenseless people, just for being for Trump. Seems now disagreeing with the Dumbocrats requires violence against the “Trumper.” ANTIFA goons regularly go out and violently attack Trump supporters while the cops often “stand down” and do nothing—or ANTIFA carefully selects places and times where there are no cops in which to do their dirty work. ANTIFA is the Dumbocrat’s version of the Nazi “Brown Shirts” who they regularly sent out to beat up, and even kill people who were anti-Nazi. And as the violence grows, the government (under Dumbocrats) works even harder to take away our ability to defend ourselves against it. We have constitutional protection for our right to be armed, but that seems to make no difference to the fools who want to disarm everybody in the country (except the law breakers). I’ve never looked at politics as being important enough for me to commit violence in support of it. But I guess Dumbocrats don’t agree with me. So I guess if they ever catch me out in public they’ll send somebody to beat hell out of me. Or maybe shoot me with an illegal gun. (Just common sense)

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