Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Meanwhile, In Chicago...

New Mayor Lori Lightfoot didn’t have time to stop gunmen from killing eight people and wounding 24. Her cops were too busy raiding a church for being open during her lockdown order. This is the kind of thing that is happening all over the country. Overzealous politicians are releasing violent criminals from jail to have room for all the worshippers they’re arresting for violating their officious orders. Would-be dictator politicians (mostly Dumocrats) are taking full advantage of the panic over the Coronavirus to deprive people of their constitutional rights. I’m not sure how many of those officious “orders” will remain after the panic is over, but if they do, I can guarantee you a revolution will follow. Americans are just not used to being under the thumb of a dictator. When you go too far in America, you’re courting disaster. We need to stop electing people like Lightfoot and other liberals to office. They screw up everything they touch in their incompetence. New York Mayor DiBlasio is one of the worst examples of this incompetence. Like Lightfoot, he is taking every advantage of the panic fro the virus and is making impossible demands on the citizens of new York City. Every liberal politician is doing likewise. (Self Reliance Central)

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