Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Gun Bans (Don't) Work!

New Zealand effectively banned guns, entirely. They don’t have a Second Amendment like we do, so they can do it. So their country ought to be the safest place on Earth, right? WRONG! Since their gun ban, gun crime has skyrocketed. Since the ban went into effect, they have seen more gun crime than they have seen in a decade. Last year there were 3540 instances where the “bad guys” had a gun. So what the hell GOOD is their ban? The number of guns seized by the police is up 50% over the number taken five years earlier. Of course, intelligent people are not in the least surprised by this. We predicted it. But intelligent people apparently are not running New Zealand, and they can’t see, to understand that targeting LEGAL gun owners is NOT the answer because it is the ILLEGAL gun owners who are the problem. They will get their guns, regardless, and all they are accomplishing is making the legal gun owners “easy targets” for the illegal gun owners to victimize. It’s an east decision, but not for these fools. Gang members even TOLD them as much. They said, “Hell no, we aren’t going to get rid of our guns. We need them to defend ourselves.” It’s a right idea that needs to be extended to the whole population if the politicians are smart enough. But it appears they are NOT, for they won’t even entertain the idea of allowing the populace to be armed for self defense. (Daily Caller)

Can Cops Protect You?

That’s a question asked often in the campaign against gun violence. The answer is unalterably, NO. The cops themselves (other than the cop politicians, of course) will be the first to confirm that. In most cases, they are MINUTES away, and the illegally-armed criminal is THERE. Before the nearest cop can even start his car the criminal can kill you, hurt you, or just rob you—and all the cops can do is DOCUMENT it. They will take witness statements, clean up the scene, dispose of the body or bodies, and (maybe) someday punish the criminal (if they can catch him). Why otherwise intelligent people who seem to be unalterably AGAINST guns, I don’t know. Maybe they aren’t as intelligent as they appear. Or maybe their only goal in their crusade is their own aggrandizement. (Just common sense)

Monday, June 29, 2020

The Chicago War Zone

Some news sources say calling Chicago a “war zone worse than Afghanistan” has “racial overtones” because most of those being shot and killed are non-white. But when they say that, they’re missing the point, entirely. Why AREN’T more participants white? Maybe it’s because they aren’t the criminal element that many black people are. Most people who live in Chicago have never heard a gunshot, and most who have live in Chicago’s South Side, where gang wars rage. And most of the shooters are black. As are most of those shot. And it’s mostly over drugs. Selling them, or buying them. In a recent weekend alone, 106 people were shot, and 14 died. And I guaranteed you gangs and/or drugs were involved in every shooting. As were black people. So talking about “being worse than Afghanistan” is NOT racist, it is the simple truth. The numbers alone support it. And this is a city with some of the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation. So what’s the problem? Those laws cannot apply to those who are the worst shooters because they don’t get their guns legally. They don’t stand for background checks and, therefore, don’t give their names and addresses to the government. So anti-gun laws cannot reach them, except on a case-by-case basis as some are caught with their illegal guns. And “that ain’t gonna git it.” Meanwhile, the Dumbocrat mayor and all her accomplices have no idea how to handle it. (Chicago Tribune)

They Think They've Got It

Concealed carry, that is. In Mississippi, they passed a law making it easier to get a license to carry concealed. They thought. But many of the cops (cop politicians) are against it, and have set out to make getting that license as difficult as possible. They don’t trust their citizens to carry guns. They only trust cops to carry guns. Even though out of 70,000 licensed gun carriers, there has been only ONE instance of a licensed gun carrier doing something wrong. And THAT case is due to be dismissed. Meanwhile, with only just over 10,000 police officers in Miss., there are EIGHT cases of misconduct with a gun. Two of those involved a man and wife police chief team, both of whom lost their jobs within a month of being named chief; both of which were LEADERS in the “anti-gun” crusades. So who would you trust with guns? (Just common sense)

Friday, June 26, 2020

Ah,Sweet Gun Control

There are more tight gun control laws in Chicago than in any other liberal-run city, so it should be the safest place there is, right? WRONG! Just last Sunday alone, there were 35 shootings and 5 shot dead. IN ONE DAY. That’s a fine testament to the effectiveness of gun control. But not the way the anti-gun fools thought. It proves that gun control doesn’t work, anywhere it has been tried. Which ought to be a wake-up call for the anti-gun fools, but it’s not. They have to be aware that none of their anti-gun laws work worth a damn, but they keep making more and more of them, every day, claiming, in their abysmal ignorance that anti-gun laws are necessary to protect us. But they are not, if they don’t work—and they have proven conclusively that they do NOT work. So why do they insist on making even more of them? Maybe it’s because many anti-gun fools take home a handsome salary to promote it, paid for out of the lavish donations they get from their gullible followers. I’ve become convinced that they’re against self defense, period. And the gun is just a symbol. Just about ALL the guns used in the gun violence in Chicago comes from illegally-obtained guns, but they don’t tell you that. Nobody keeps records on whether or not a gun used has been obtained legally or illegally because to do so would destroy their narrative.(Breitbart)

Making Anti-Gun Fools Mad

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley got a gun for Christmas. That will make the anti-gun fool crowd mad. They just don’t understand people who AREN’T gun-haters. They hate them, so they think EVERYBODY should—even if they’re on “the other side.” Gun-haters are mostly liberals (Democrat). Democrats always think if THEY don’t like something, they should FORCE everybody to not like it. Conservatives, if they don’t like something, they just don’t DO it. You watch: there will soon be a campaign to vilify Nikki, if it hasn’t started already. As the boss of the chief law enforcement in the state, she is ENTITLED to have a gun. They should learn to live with it. (The Blaze)

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Committing National Suicide

I can’t believe the incredible STUPIDITY of the people (including some politicians) that support defunding or disbanding the police! The police are the first and last barrier we have against the takeover of the country by criminals and malcontents. Yet the politicians (mostly Dumbocrats) who favor “getting rid of the cops” just can’t see that. They’re totally incompetent and irresponsible. Or they’re part of the problem and want to disband the police so THEY can join the other criminals in victimizing us. They will get millions of people killed, by removing the best line of defense we have, since those selfsame politicians have worked HARD to disarm us, making us even more vulnerable to the outrages of those law breakers. I’m sure they also do not realize that they, themselves, will also be vulnerable to attack by those ILLEGALLY-armed law breakers. Of course, they can afford to hire their own armed security. they’ve got our money, after all. We can’t afford our own armed security because they’ve taken too much of our money. If these fools ever do succeed in “getting rid of the cops,” I don’t want to live in the world they will have created, and I suspect I won’t have to, because some out-of-control thug will probably kill me in the absence of any deterrent to his crimes. (Just common sense)

Yet Another Mass Shooting

Shots were fired at the Purdue University in Indianapolis (West Lafayette, actually). So brace yourselves for the onslaught of anti-gun laws being made; laws that will do NOTHING to “stem the gun violence,” but will allow politicians to say “we DID something.” The laws will do nothing to stem gun violence and will allow illegally armed criminals to kill more unarmed victims. Politicians NEVER learn from experience. They keep making their fool laws and getting people killed because of the lack of the ability to repulse the illegal gun violence committers. When are we going to start ASKING politicians what their stance on gun control is BEFORE an election, and start NOT electing anti-gun fools to office? This just proves you get what you vote for. (ABC News)

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Missing the Point

Looney Tunes has eliminated Elmer Fudd’s gun from Elmer Fudd’s hunt for Bugs Bunny and replaced it with a scythe. This to please the anti-gun fool crowd. But that very act reveals that they missed the entire point. The point is VIOLENCE, of which there is still much in the cartoon—comic strip violence. In the real world, what we want to get rid of is the VIOLENCE. The gun is but a TOOL for violence. Getting rid of it, especially on one side only (the legal side) will only get law-abiding people killed, while law breakers continue to get their guns illegally—which is something the anti-gun fools miss, altogether. Of course, that is something the anti-gun fools always miss. They think that if they can just get rid of guns (an impossibility), they can eliminate crime. That’s a damned fool notion. There as crime before guns were invented, and there were tools to advance that crime—and to defend against it. And many fools wanted to get rid of those tools, too. As in the drive to defund the police, those supporting gun control just haven’t thought things through. You get rid of guns—OR cops—and the result is an INCREASE in crime, by criminals using the illegal guns they never have any trouble getting. You get just the opposite effect you want. But the anti-gun fools will never tumble to that fact. They’re got their minds made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. (The Blaze)

Govt Won't, Citizens Will

The government won’t protect the residents of Josephine County, OR, so the citizens WILL. The former top cop there (who was forced out because of budget cuts when the county came up $7.5 million short) started the “North Valley Community Watch, “a county-wide organization dedicated to helping citizens in non-life-threatening situations, primarily property crimes,” This after the Sheriff told the community his people would only respond to “life-threatening situations,” and to hell with property crimes; which is an open invitation to property criminals. Critics will call his organization vigilantes, but when they become victimized, they’ll “come around.” The county is 75% owned by the government, so you can understand the INCOMPETENCE in running things. That long-serving officer who was forced out by budget cuts said it all: “Who else is going to protect you when your government can’t?” I’d change that a bit to read, “when your government WON’T.” Then of course there the time when you want to disband the cops entirely at the behest of the damned fool liberals and criminals. (The Blaze)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

More Violence, More Guns

Politics has gotten quite a bit more violent these days, as Trump-haters go out and beat up defenseless people, just for being for Trump. Seems now disagreeing with the Dumbocrats requires violence against the “Trumper.” ANTIFA goons regularly go out and violently attack Trump supporters while the cops often “stand down” and do nothing—or ANTIFA carefully selects places and times where there are no cops in which to do their dirty work. ANTIFA is the Dumbocrat’s version of the Nazi “Brown Shirts” who they regularly sent out to beat up, and even kill people who were anti-Nazi. And as the violence grows, the government (under Dumbocrats) works even harder to take away our ability to defend ourselves against it. We have constitutional protection for our right to be armed, but that seems to make no difference to the fools who want to disarm everybody in the country (except the law breakers). I’ve never looked at politics as being important enough for me to commit violence in support of it. But I guess Dumbocrats don’t agree with me. So I guess if they ever catch me out in public they’ll send somebody to beat hell out of me. Or maybe shoot me with an illegal gun. (Just common sense)

Typical Liberal Operation

Pass an unconstitutional law and enforce it until somebody gets enough money and support to go to the courts and have it declared so. That’s what they did in Sunnyvale, California recently. Their ordinance is patently unconstitutional, but they’ll enforce it until told by the courts to stop. And those injured by it will remain injured. Nobody will be punished for that because there is no punishment for violating the Constitution except having your law declared unconstitutional. So foolish politicians pass unconstitutional laws somewhere in the United States every day a law should be made immediately removing such politicians who introduce unconstitutional laws from office immediately with no recourse. But that will never happen because it is those politicians who will have to vote it into law. (AmmoLand)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Why We Need Guns

One of the mantras spouted by the anti-gun fools is, “nobody needs guns.” A corollary to that is this: “Nobody ever needs an AR-15.” But this story puts the lie to that. Several thugs entered a home and proceeded to beat the hell out of a man while collecting the things they wanted to steal. They were manhandling the man’s 11-year-old daughter, and there’s no telling what they would have done to her. Ordinarily, that would be the story, since that man was unarmed. He had to just accept being beat up and losing his property, maybe having his daughter raped, while hoping those thugs would not just kill him. Enter his pregnant wife—and her AR-15. She immediately shot one of the thugs, and they immediately changed their plans and vamoosed out of there in a hail of bullets. One was found later in a ditch, dead. The AR-15 made all the difference, that day. Facts the anti-gun fools hide from you is that the number of AR-15s in private hands has increased significantly, and violent crime has Decreased just as significantly. Another factor is that AR-15s have only been used to commit crimes RARELY. This story would have ended very differently if not for this brave pregnant woman and her AR-15. Get used to it, anti-gun fools! (Western Journal)

Who Needs More Than 10 Rounds?

That’s the question being asked by the anti-gun fools now. The answer is simple: Who cares? It’s not somebody else’s place to say how many rounds a man can keep in his gun. What if he ends up facing eleven guys with ten of their own rounds? I hate it when people try and dictate what I “need.” It’s not their place to TELL me what I “need,” so shut the hell up! I have a constitutional right to be armed in self-defense. Laws like this one do nothing but make it harder for me to use my gun. As do several other laws, like gun safes and gun locks. When an ILLEGALLY armed criminal confronts me, I want to be able to get to my gun, NOW. Not after a while. He has his gun pointed at me NOW. If he shoots me I want it to be the last thing he does in his life. (Gun Free Zone)

Friday, June 19, 2020

Complete, Total Stupidity

What do you do when law and order breaks down? Why you disarm the law-abiding, that’s what. Then you abolish the police force and take away that “thin line” of resistance to the law-breakers who don’t obey any laws, anyway. That’s what liberals think, anyway. Now even some stupid politicians are talking about “disbanding” their police forces, and never mind who is going to enforce the law. Citizens are talking about forming “vigilante squads” in the absence of the cops, without the safeguards there are that keep most of the crazies in line. Frankly, I don’t want to live in a world policed by vigilantes who are not pledged to obey the law, themselves. What do they do if they THINK I have violated what they consider the law? They can’t put me in prison because, under their idea of justice, there will be no prisons. So I guess they’ll just lynch me. I’d rather be dead, already. Remember, these are the same people who really think they can eliminate crime by eliminating legal guns, while there are millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. (Just common sense)

Magazine Maker Leaving Colorado

One of the country’s largest maker of gun magazines is leaving Colorado because of the recent passage of rights-limiting anti-gun laws passed this year; laws that got three legislators FIRED. Magpul Industries, of Erie, CO (a Denver suburb) has announced a move of parts of its operation to Cheyenne, WY and Texas. HyViz Systems (which makes gun sights and accessories), of Ft. Collins, is moving to Wyoming. This will cost Colorado MORE than 200 jobs. Magpul vowed to move out of Colorado if these laws were passed, and they are true to their word. They promised to move OUT of a state where they could not sell what they make. (Associated Press/Gun Free Zone)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Sorry Folks

No updates today. didn’t get a chance to get any work done since I spent most of the day in the ER because of acute heart failure. I AM an “old fart,” you know. Back to work tomorrow (I hope).

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Real Gun Control

This is what gun control should be. The law-abiding using guns to defend their lives and property fro the goons who want to “take what’s theirs.” Those goons don’t bother to obey anti-gun laws, just as they ignore ALL laws in their efforts to take what does not belong to them. The anti-gun fools disparage us for wishing to be able to defend ourselves, since nobody else can. Can the cops defend us? Yes, but only if they are THERE, on the spot, when the trouble goes down. That rarely happens. So all they can do is clean up the crime scene, document it, get rid of any bodies, and MAYBE some day find and punish the goons who committed the crime. Something that often does not happen. You hear about an 80% clearance rate, which means that 20% of crimes go unsolved, and unpunished. Background checks can help, but only if the goon bought his gun legally, and stood for one. Which very rarely happens. If they intend to use their gun for ill, why WOULD they stand for a background check that will allow the cops to find and punish them? So background checks, like all the other anti-gun laws, are useless. So all anti-gun laws do is hassle the law-abiding and make it easier for the law breakers to victimize them. So what the hell GOOD are they? Unless their real purpose is to disarm as many of the law-abiding as possible so hack politicians have “free rein” to victimize them. (Breitbart)

Ignoring Reality

Is it any wonder there are so many mass shootings? The anti-gun fools that permeate our law-making bodies not only ignore the reality that the absolute best defense against a mass shooter is to allow the law-abiding to carry their own guns with which to defend themselves, they move quickly, every time, to further DISARM the law-abiding and make life easier for the shooters to kill defenseless people. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourselves. That’s a fact. Not supposition, and not just my opinion. It is proven many times in cases like that Texas church, where two parishioners who were acting as volunteer security “took out” a potential mass shooter before he could kill more than a couple of people. These were not professional security guards. They were just people who were legally allowed to carry guns who jumped up and instantly “put down” a would-be mass killer, in seconds. The anti-gun fools tell you the cops can protect you—and they can—AFTER they get there, minutes later, after the shooter has killed many people. Having armed people THERE, on the scene, instantly, can make all the difference, as was again proven at that Texas church. (Seattle Times)

Monday, June 15, 2020

Idiotic Policitians

Chicago’s new back mayor says we should not use our guns to defend ourselves from criminals and rioters (a repetition, there). We should just call the cops and WAIT for them to arrive. Meanwhile the bad guys are doing their dirty work on us so the cops can complete the paperwork, clean up the scene, and take away the bodies. That’s all they can do because they can’t be there when the trouble starts. Oh yes. They can (sometimes) find the criminals and put them in jail, later. These are the stupidities spouted by incompetent liberal (Dumbocrat) politicians, and they believe it. That’s part of their incompetence. And it is that incompetence that REQUIRES that we be armed, so we can repulse the attacks from ILLEGALLY armed lawbreakers. The cops themselves (those in the trenches, anyway) will be the first to tell you they CAN’T be everywhere at once while the police politicians tell you different. Currently, the rioters are saying publicly that they are going to go into the suburbs and “take what’s ours.” Where, in a real world, they will meet the real stiff opposition not allowed by those selfsame incompetent politicians, and the guns in the hands of the citizens will be a big part of it. (The Gun Feed)

Lawmakers Take Notice

In Colorado we “take no prisoners.” When you make us mad enough, we GET RID of you. That was something learned by THREE Colorado legislators who helped pass too many restrictive anti-gun laws in 2013. All three are gone; two by a recall election, and another quit when we were whomping up anther recall election. The governor is up for re-election, and will not find it so easy as last time to get re-elected. The lesson? Don’t mess with our gun rights! Lawmakers, as a rule, think they’re safe from retribution when they make such laws. They think they’re safe until the end of their term. Not these three. The “anti-gun fools” gaili making restrictive gun laws all over the country need to take note. Even if they can’t be recalled in their state, they can be UNelected in their next election. We WILL call them to account. This is still a free country (mostly) and will be, until the socialists destroy that. So lawmakers beware! Watch what you do. You’re not the boss, WE are! (Just common sense)

Friday, June 12, 2020

Why Won't They Learn?

The very definition of insanity is “doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.” Chicago has some of the stiffest anti-gun laws in the nation, yet every week we see more and more people killed by gunfire. what’s WRONG with these people? Can’t they see their laws aren’t working? Are they blind? Stupid? All over the country they’re making anti-gun laws while the law breakers are flouting them and committing their crimes with their ILLEGAL guns—something no amount of limitations on LEGAL gun purchase and ownership is going to stop, or even slow down. In fact, all their laws do is INCREASE gun crime by disarming the law abiding, making them “easy targets” for the lawless and their ILLEGAL guns. Why they can’t figure this out, I don’t know. I’ve said this over and over again, expecting the anti-gun fools to take notice and do something different. Does that man I’M insane? No. Because I don’t expect the anti-gun fools to wake up. I’m hoping for some meaningful action for someone not so stupid as the anti-gun fools. But I’m not seeing that, either. So I guess I’ll just stay home and hope nobody shoots me through the walls of my house. (AmmoLand)

"Good Guy With Gun"

This is something the anti-gun FOOLS will not admit. That a “good guy with a gun” can, and does, make all the difference in the world when some damned fool shooter decides to kill a few people for some obscure “reason.” It’s not often “just another guy” becomes the subject of a political cartoon. There should be no opposition to the one linked here, but there will be, from the same anti-gun FOOLS I’m talking about. But the proof is there. A guy with a “screw loose” came into a church to kill a lot of people, and would have, except for Jack Wilson. He, a d a bunch of others, pulled their own guns instantly, as he first opened fire. Wilson’s bullet put an end to his plans, and his life. They called him a “security guard,” just as they called that woman in Colorado Springs, Colorado a “security guard.” But both were merely worshipers who “volunteered” as possible security, if needed. They are the ONLY “first responders” who can protect others. Anybody who denies that is stupid. (Gary Varvel)

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Worse Than Biden

Dumbocrat presidential candidate Joe Biden doesn’t know what state he’s in most of the time and, apparently, neither does Shannon Watts, “boss lady” of MOMS Against Guns (or something like that). She seems to think George Floyd was SHOT by a cop in Minneapolis. Maybe if she got off the sauce she’d find that reality is not her best suit. And another thing: whenever somebody really gets shot by other than the cops, nobody ever tells us whether the gun used was legally owned and background check stood for by the shooter, or if it as ILLEGALLY-obtained. They lump them all together to mask the fact that almost ALL the guns used in criminal acts were obtained ILLEGALLY, with NO background check stood for. Then they go about taking our rights away from us on false pretenses by making it harder to get a LEGAL gun to use in defending ourselves from the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. Maybe if they worked on finding some way to do something about those illegal guns they might have some success. The unconstitutional laws they do pass certainly do nothing to stop gun crime, and only serve to INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding. (MOM-At Arms)

"It's Terrifying!"

As usual, they get it wrong. USA Today says, “It’s Terrifying That Churchgoers Should Protect Themselves With Guns.” No. It’s not. It’s actually terrifying that churchgoers SHOULD have to protect themselves with guns because some fool is likely to come in and kill a few of them. USA Today is like all the other anti-gun fools, in that they think banning the very existence of guns in certain places will keep the fools who just want to kill some people out. It will NOT. It will just tell those fools that these places are “soft targets,” and they are free to “come in and kill a few of us.” The way to self defense is NOT to make yourself defenseless. The way to self defense is to make yourself a HARD target that might shoot back before a shooter can kill a lot of people. But the anti-gun fools aren’t smart enough to realize that. They think if they take away all LEGAL guns, they’ll be safe from those who get their guns ILLEGALLY. The United States government knows that, which is why they continually improve our defenses. They know that, if they get rid of their defenses, some damned fool country will overrun them and “take them over,” killing a lot of people. They just don’t think that works for the individual, even though the Founders did. Which is why they included the Second Amendment in the Constitution. I just don't understand the stupid people who are afraid of legal guns, but not illegal ones. (PJ Media)

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Meanwhile, In Chicago...

New Mayor Lori Lightfoot didn’t have time to stop gunmen from killing eight people and wounding 24. Her cops were too busy raiding a church for being open during her lockdown order. This is the kind of thing that is happening all over the country. Overzealous politicians are releasing violent criminals from jail to have room for all the worshippers they’re arresting for violating their officious orders. Would-be dictator politicians (mostly Dumocrats) are taking full advantage of the panic over the Coronavirus to deprive people of their constitutional rights. I’m not sure how many of those officious “orders” will remain after the panic is over, but if they do, I can guarantee you a revolution will follow. Americans are just not used to being under the thumb of a dictator. When you go too far in America, you’re courting disaster. We need to stop electing people like Lightfoot and other liberals to office. They screw up everything they touch in their incompetence. New York Mayor DiBlasio is one of the worst examples of this incompetence. Like Lightfoot, he is taking every advantage of the panic fro the virus and is making impossible demands on the citizens of new York City. Every liberal politician is doing likewise. (Self Reliance Central)

"What's Really Terrifying"

The USA Today newspaper thinks it’s “truly terrifying” that at least seven worshipers at that church in Fort Worth, Texas had been allowed to bring their guns into church with them as they worshiped their God. What’s really “terrifying” is that way too many people with the power to make laws are abysmally STUPID enough to believe that the way to self defense it to make yourself defenseless. That they think being unarmed is the best way to defend against ILLEGALLY armed killers. They ASSUME that those six people seen aiming their guns in that church were not trained, and were just “fools with guns.” But notice that the only shots that counted were fired by that former firearms instructor, and were enough. Those six armed people did not “fill the air with bullets.” They saw the problem was being dealt with, and just watched, ready to take a hand, IF NEEDED. Anti-gun fools think “gun people” just buy their guns, and start carrying them around, with NO TRAINING in the proper care and use of the guns. That they never spend any time at the range, learning how to properly handle their guns. They vilify the NRA for standing up for our constitutional RIGHT to be armed, and completely ignore the fact that the NRA has the best, most extensive firearms TRAINING programs on the planet. (PJ Media)

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

They Don't Understand

What part of “shall not be infringed” do the anti-gun fools not understand? There are two fatal flaws in the anti-gun movement in this country. The Constitution PROHIBITS laws that “infringe” on our right to “bear arms” and; their laws don’t work. None of them. Not a ONE of them. They claim they are making those silly laws to “reduce gun crime.” They do not. They only INCREASE gun crime by DISARMING the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the lawless, who don’t obey ANY laws. They create such stupidities as “gun-free ones,” which are routinely IGNORED by the lawless and only obeyed by the law abiding, who are not the problem, leaving the field open to the lawless, who SEEK OUT gun free zones, in which to do their “dirty work.” They think “taking names” and “keeping records” of legal gun owners will stop gun crime, when ONLY the law-abiding stand for their “background checks,” which only (maybe) allow the cops to find a shooter IF he got the gun he used in his crime legally and stood for one—which he usually does NOT. Then there are the “safe storage” laws, which only make it impossible to get a legal gun into action fast enough to allow the law-abiding to defend against the lawless with their ILLEGAL guns. You ask them why they pursue such inanities and they never answer. They just call you names and go on to make more inane laws that don’t work, and only “infringe” on our constitutional right to “bear arms.” (Just common sense)

Imbecile Democrat

And he wanted to be president! Mike Bloomberg, top anti-gun FOOL, after a private citizen stopped a mass shooting with his legally carried gun, says “Only cops should have guns.” What illogical thinking created that stupidity, I’m not sure. One shot was fired, in the direction of the shooter, and that one shot “did for him.” Would Bloomberg rather they wait for the cops to FINALLY get there while he kills more and more people, who are cowering behind any cover they can find because they’re defenseless against him? Then there is the fact that if those seven people all started shooting, as normally happens when a bunch of cops are involved, many people could have been injured or killed by “friendly fire.” But those six people held their fire, seeing that one shot did it. As responsible people will do. Nobody. Repeat, NOBODY could have done a better job of defending these people than that one private citizen did. One shot fired, one mass shooter killed before he could kill as many innocent people as he wished. What the hell does Bloomberg think the cops could do, except to “document the scene,” count the bodies, and commiserate with the survivors—IF there are any. This illustrates the caliber of Dumbocrats running for president. They think they know it all, but they know nothing. Thank God he gave it up. (Just common sense)

Monday, June 8, 2020

"Common Sense Gun Control"

Talk about a contradiction in terms! There is no such thing as “common sense” in gun control laws and regulations because no matter how many of them you make, not a single one of them does what it is touted to do—stop, or slow down “gun crime.” Instead, they INCREASE gun crime by disarming the law-abiding, leaving them defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. One of the most stupid “common sense” things out there is posting a SIGN labeling a certain area as a “gun-free zone.” If anybody expects a lawbreaker to see that sign and say to himself, “They don’t want guns there so I’d better take mine back home.” Bad guys actually SEEK OUT gun free zones in which to do their “bad guy stuff.” Each and every mass shooting has happened in a gun free zone. One of the anti-gun fools’ favorite things is the background check. Which, of curse, has never stopped a single instance of gun violence. A background check MIGHT help them find the perp AFTER the crime, IF he used a legally-obtained gun—which bad guys rarely do when they know they’re going to use their gun to commit a crime. So what the hell GOOD is it. Each and every anti-gun law that has been made has also failed to stop a single crime. So what the hell good are they? (Just common sense)

90 Year Old Chases Robber

When this guy comes into his Laundromat and demands money, this 90 year old owner pulled his gun and ran him off. This isn’t the first time robbers have made attempts on this man. In 2010 he was beaten up and robbed. So he went out and bought a gun. Another time, two robbers attempted to rob him and he shot one of them in the chest. I think the other one is still running. The guy who tried to rob him this time really should have researched this man. He, too, may still be running. This is what happens when honest citizens are allowed to have their own guns. They cease to be Easy victims.” But will the incompetent politicians running things today learn that simple lesson? Not likely. (The Blaze)

Friday, June 5, 2020

Gun Control Is People Control

Politicians don’t care about guns, except to fear them when they are in the hands of citizens. Guns in their hands, they don’t fear. But the important thing is, gun control allows them to tell us what we can, and can not do. Gun control allows them to control the people because under gun control, the people have no means of defending themselves against criminals of all types, including the ones in political office and those wearing badges. No you may say that is something that is just in my imagination, but look at this. The RICO Laws allow the cops (and through them the politicians) to TAKE your property without even bothering to convict you of a crime. The politicians have put a strip in every dollar bill, of any denomination that broadcasts its presence to somebody standing on the sidewalk with the right detector to let them know if you’re carrying enough cash to make it worth their while to rob you of it. And it is usually a cop who is wielding that detector. And under RICO, all that cop needs to do is say that money “must have been illegally obtained” in order to “confiscate” (steal) it. And in some cases, that cop gets to keep part of what he has stolen. This is how they control you. They take your money and defy you to try and get it back after they’ve taken all your money, up front, so you no longer have the money to hire lawyers and file claims. And they don’t want guns in your hands as they rob you. (Just common sense)

Detroit Getting Smarter

At least its police chief is. Detroit police Chief James E, Craig has come out and frankly SAID that “armed citizens deter crime.” A long time ago when he was a police chief in California, where it takes an “act of congress” to get a carry permit (and crime is sky high), he was denying cc permits every day. But when he got to Maine, where it is EASY to get a carry permit and crime was WAY down, he changed his tune. Now he’s in Detroit, and is, against all odds, thinking the same way. And by so thinking, may single-handedly reduce violent crime in “bankrupt city.” Craig says, “Maine is the safest place on Earth,” and puts it down to the ease with which honest people can get carry permits. It’s amazing, and demonstrates his superior intelligence, that he gets this connection, which most police politicians do not. (The Blaze)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

"No Conceivable Reason"

Tony Keane, writing for the Canada Broadcasting News, says, “There’s no conceivable reason why an ordinary person needs a handgun.” What planet is this fool living on? He lists a bunch of reasons why the average person should NOT have a gun, most of them assuming incompetence and lack of training on the part of the gun owner. But what he does not consider is the millions of ILLEGAL guns there are out there already in the hands of the lawless. The cops can’t be everywhere at once, so it is up to US to defend ourselves from them, and we NEED to have our own guns in order to do it. Keene shows the usual ignorance about guns and gun owners. The average gun owner is NOT the untrained fool he describes. And most cops do welcome armed assistance fro m the public when they get in trouble from one of those ubiquitous ILLEGALLY-armed lawless individuals. Keane would change his tune fast if he suddenly was faced with a gun in the hands of a criminal, as most anti-gun fools do. Anti-gun fool politicians regularly run around surrounded by professional gun carriers who carry their guns for them while denying the rest of us the same right. One thing he’s right about is that we need to actually ENFORCE the laws against misuse of guns instead of using them as “bargaining chips” to get convictions in other crimes by waiving them. (CBC)

Illegal Cop shop

Virginia State is creating an 18-member (just 18 members?) “special police unit” to enforce their unconstitutional “red flag” laws. They’re courting revolution. They don’t think a revolution over illegal gun control is possible, but so did King George when he tried to enforce it on the “colonies.” He got a war, that he thought would be an “easy win.” It wasn’t. That war created a better country, run by people a lot more responsible than this out-of-control king. The State of Virginia thinks by creating a special police unit they can CON into enforcing illegal, unconstitutional laws, they can violate the Constitution with impunity. They cannot. And their citizens will set them straight. They’re courting a shooting war, and they just might get it. Their attorney general, who is supposed to know the law, just made it worse when he “ruled” that those sheriffs who had pledged not to enforce those unconstitutional laws MUST enforce them, or themselves be punished. How he intends to do that without a shooting war, I don’t know. Those counties that have declared themselves “gun sanctuaries are in the MAJORITY. I hope it doesn’t happen. I hope the Virginia governor and that ignorant AG “come to their senses” and realize it’s a battle they cannot win. But I’m not holding my breath. (Washington Examiner)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cops Arrest Defender

In Arlington, VA, three robbers entered a store and began robbing it. Whereupon a store employee got a legal gun brought in by the owner and shot one of the robbers, who turned out to be a teenager. The teen will survive to serve his expected jail sentence. But then the cops arrested the employee who shot him on “malicious wounding” charges, among others. He defended the store, and then HE was arrested. To make it worse, he is being held in jail until trial, since the prosecutor appealed the $25,000.00 bond the judge set. If convicted, he will no doubt be jailed, right along with the robbers. For defending his boss’s business. The cops asked him why he didn’t just run out the back door. It’s a topsy-turvy world today when the cops arrest people for defending themselves and their property. Of course, this is in Virginia, where they hate guns AND self defense. Unless it is a Dumocrat politician defending himself by hiring paid gun toters. In Virginia, they’re trying to pass many oppressive anti-gun measures—and they’re succeeding, in many cases. Their black-face wearing governor apparently is going to make as many unconstitutional laws as he can, and enforce them until the Supreme Court intervenes, eventually. (Freedom Updates)

"Hellfire Joe" Biden

“Hellfire Joe” Biden is thinking like a dictator. He thinks a president could, and would, order a “Hellfire missile” attack upon his citizens for insisting the government obey the law of the land, and not try and take away our right to self defense. He really thinks any president who did that would not be assassinated the next day. Yes, the government does have “Hellfire missiles.” But to use them on its citizens would be the heights of idiocy because the first time they did, the citizens of this country would “take him out,” along with those politicians and bureaucrats who supported him. Impeachment would be the smallest thing that would happen to him, and don’t think he would not be convicted in the Senate. But they’d probably kill him before that. Killing private citizens for standing up for their constitutional right to be armed is definitely a “crime or misdemeanor.” And believe me, he would be impeached, and convicted—if he was not assassinated. Americans are not so wimpy that they would allow such an outrage without retaliation. They would hunt him down and kill him with the weapons they have. He has to sleep sometime, and if somebody is sufficiently motivated, he CAN get at a president—with the kind of weapons we can have. don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying I would do it— I can barely make it to the head. I’m saying SOMEBODY would. So don’t try and send the FBI after this old man. (Bearing Arms)

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Unconstitutional Laws

Each and every anti-gun law passed is unconstitutional. Never mind the requirement that EVERY law passed MUST conform to the Constitution, or it is not a law, at all. It just does not exist. But they pass them, anyway. And enforce them until the Supreme Court gets around to declaring them to be unconstitutional, which is probably YEARS after they are passed. And by that time, much damage is done to the very concept of self defense, which is such a basic right that nobody—except for some fool politicians—denies it. And I’ll bet if attacked, those fool politicians have their own guns and practice self defense. One flaw the founders never saw is that it takes a lot of money to even get such laws before the Court—and a long time, as well. People are imprisoned, others killed by one of the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there, property is “confiscated” (stolen) by governments, money is lost, and lives are ruined. Making those laws unconstitutional after the fact doesn’t help in many of those cases. All because people want to exercise their GUARANTEED RIGHT to “bear arms” for self defense while others want to block them from that. (Just common sense)

"Cherry-Picking" Numbers

Have you ever wondered how anti-gun fools come up with their fiction that gun crime goes down where anti-gun laws are the tightest, when just the OPPOSITE is true in most places? “The grand dogma of the gun controllers is that places with severe restrictions on the ownership of firearms have lower rates of murder and other gun crimes. How do they prove this? Simple. They make comparisons of places where this is true and ignore all comparisons of places where the opposite is true. Gun-control zealots compare the United States and England to show that murder rates are lower where restrictions on ownership of firearms are more severe. But you could just as easily compare Switzerland and Germany, the Swiss having lower murder rates than the Germans, even though gun ownership is 3 times higher in Switzerland. Other countries with high rates of gun ownership and low murder rates include Israel, New Zealand and Finland.” (-IGN) This “cherry-picking” of numbers is something crooked politicians all over the globe (not just here) use to make things LOOK like what their fantasies tell them is so (IGN Watch)

Monday, June 1, 2020

"Only Cops Should Have Guns"

This is just one misnomer told us by the anti-gun fools. They ignore the fact that cops are just as liable to misuse their guns as do licensed gun owners—which isn’t often. They fail to realize that it is the criminal, who mostly doesn’t obey ANY laws, that is the problem. Not legal gun owners. I notice whenever they report about a shooting, they never say anything about the legality of the gun involved. That’s because in 98% of the cases of misuse of a gun it it an ILLEGAL gun that is used, while they keep making laws against LEGAL guns. It’s like target practice where the arrow isn’t even AIMED at the target. Laws limiting ownership and use of LEGAL guns does nothing to stop, or even slow down the misuse of ILLEGAL guns. Back to only cops having guns. Whenever I hear someone saying that, it is usually a politician. But what gives that politician the idea he even has the POWER to stop me from having and using a gun for self defense? The Constitution forbids the making of ANY laws “infringing” on that right, so only their arrogance makes them think they have to right to limit, or “infringe upon” that right. (Just common sense)

Guns Can Be Funny

In 1759, Benjamin Franklin said, “Democracy is two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for lunch.” Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” “Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control; statistics showing high murder rates AFTER gun control are just statistics.” “The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994 are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates, which have been declining since 1991.” “We must get rid of guns because a deranged lunatic may go on a shooting spree at any time and anyone who would own a gun out of fear of such a lunatic is paranoid.” “The more helpless you are, the more safe you are from criminals.” “The New England Journal of Medicine is filled with expert advice about guns; just like Guns & Ammo has some excellent treatises on heart surgery. “ "The 2nd Amendment, ratified in 1787, refers to the National Guard, which was created 130 years later, in 1917." What’s fun is listening to anti-gun fools babble about the reasons for controlling guns. (Just common sense