Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"State of Emergency?"

The governor of Virginia was so frightened at what he had created, he declared a state of emergency during the then upcoming gun control event that was scheduled. He was afraid the people who want to retain their constitutional right to “bear arms” would “shoot up the capitol” if they’re allowed to bring their guns with them. The truth of the matter is simple. American citizens are not going to stand for the government taking away a constitutional right to self defense and the right to buy and use the means to that, a gun. King George found that out when he tried it. His attempt to disarm the American colonists resulted in the revolutionary war and ended up costing him sovereignty over the colonies. Governor Northam is going to discover the same, eventually, if he persists, especially of he does such a stupid thing as establishing a “special police” unit specifically to take guns away from his citizens. But not this soon. Americans are reasonable people. If there is any possibility of agreement, they will try that first. But in the end, if Northam persists, he will be removed from office one way or another. Hopefully in the next election. But he will be GONE, in any case. Already his own legislature refused to pass his anti-gun laws. (KSTP)

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