Thursday, February 20, 2020

"Only the Cops"

A regular refrain among the anti-gun fools is that “Only the cops should have guns.” That’s so the cops could “lord it over us with impunity.” But. That. Will. Never. Happen. Even if they manage to eliminate all LEGAL guns, there are still millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there, in the hands of the people they do need to worry about, the law-breakers. The only guns they will be able to eliminate are those in the hands of the law-abiding, who are NOT the ones they need to worry about. That’s the basic flaw in the reasoning of the anti-gun fools. That by removing guns from the law-abiding, they can “stop gun crime.” That’s a fool’s scheme. The law-abiding do not use their guns for “gun crime.” They use them to defend themselves FROM gun crime. Take away their guns and gun crime has no impediment, and holders of illegal guns will “run roughshod over them.” Each and every anti-gun law only serves to make it easier for the law-breakers to victimize the law-abiding, by making the law-abiding defenseless against the illegally-armed law-breakers (Just common sense)

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