Monday, February 10, 2020

Anti-Gun Hysteria

Can you believe it? Some anti-gun fools pretending to be school “officials” called the COPS on a 6-year-old CHILD for pointing her FINGER at a teacher and saying, “I’ll shoot you.” With what? Her FINGER? And that requires the local cops to waste their time responding and filling out the paperwork that comes with that response? Worse yet, the child had Downs Syndrome, which means she might not have even known the implication inherent in her words and the gesture. Mom had no problem with the child being sent to the principal’s office, but calling the COPS? That shows a stupidity that should call for the “school official” to be fired for incompetence. If you’re afraid of a 6-year-old’s FINGER, you’re incompetent. Now this BABY has “a record” of “threatening a school teacher.”” Knowing they type of people you find as bureaucrats, that might even be a major problem for that child later in her life. School officials are supposed to have, and use, good judgment in such cases, and this school official apparently had none. Worse yet, this is not the first time a school child has gotten in police trouble for pointing a FINGER at someone, pretending it’s a gun. It has happened several times, including in 2019 in Kansas where a middle school student was charged with a FELONY for pointing a “finger gun” at somebody while other kids were only charged with misdemeanors for bringing real guns to school. Stupidity reigns supreme. (Bearing Arms)

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