Monday, February 17, 2020

Insane Accusations

One “school official” accused a pro-Second Amendment woman of being a “school shooter because she is FOR guns in the hands of the law-abiding. At the same time, another fool accused the NRA of “making it easy to commit mass murder.” How he figures that is a mystery, since all but one or two mass murders have been done with an ILLEGAL gun. And being in favor of a constitutional RIGHT doesn’t make you a “school shooter.” Such accusations show the abysmal ignorance of the anti-gun fools. I call them fools because they have to be aware that NONE of the existing anti-gun laws have ever done a single thing to stop, or even slow down, a mass shooting. Yet they make these insane accusations, and more, in their frustration because they DON’T work. They, no more than we, can figure out a single law that will, but they criticize us for our inability to find a law that will work. They say “gun control” is inadequate” in this country, and they’re right, Because of that. The law-abiding do not, as a rule, commit “gun crime” with their legally-owned guns. They use them only in self defense and the defense of others. Period. The reports od legal gun owners committing crimes with their guns is few,and far between, but the anti-gun fools will not admit that. (Just common sense)

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