Friday, February 28, 2020

"Shall Not Be Infringed!"

What part of that do the anti-gun fools not understand? The Constitution, to which ALL laws made in the United States MUST conform, has a Second Amendment, which firmly states that “the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” Yet every anti-gun law made infringes on that right. They might as well just make self defense illegal. There is no constitutional mention of self defense, and they might even get away with it. Or if they tried it, they might have caused a revolution, during which they, as the progenitors, would be killed in battle. I think that’s what they’re after, anyway. Making self defense illegal. It certainly seems that way, since whenever somebody uses some kind of a weapon in self defense, the cops want take it away from them, “as evidence,” of course. It doesn’t even have to be a gun. But they will certainly take away a gun that has been used in self defense. It looks as if they WANT you to be defenseless. And I think they do. If I walked down the street with a gun in my pocket and they caught me—without me breaking a single law with that gun, they’d arrest me and put me in jail, just for waking down the street with a gun in my pocket. Of course they’ll say I broke the law if the gun isn’t “properly registered” and I haven’t bothered to stand for a “background check,” but BOTH laws are unconstitutional “infringements” on my constitutional right to “keep and bear arms.” (Just common sense)

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