Thursday, February 13, 2020

Repeal Bill of Rights

That’s the ultimate goal of the left. The total repeal of the Bill of Rights, beginning with the Second Amendment. They just can’t handle the fact that the Bill of Rights prevents them from more efficiently “ruling” us and fleecing the country. The Second is first on their list because as long as it exists, they know they can’t just “run roughshod over us,” and that’s what they want to do—and what they WILL do if they ever manage to get rid of it. The left is what the founders envisioned when they created the Constitution and the Second Amendment. Would-be dictators who want no impediments to their power. They want to be kings, and the Bill of Rights prevents it. It has been said, “If the government tells you that you don’t need a gun—you need a gun. You need to “retire” any politician who wants to eliminate ANY of your rights, especially your right to “bear arms” for self defense. The left wants to eliminate completely the very concept of self defense, especially against the government. In the State of Virginia, the governor is “cowering in his office” at the thought of honest, law-abiding people with guns. He thinks they will use them on him—and he’s right. But only if his efforts at total gun control are successful. He is creating an “uprising,” and he knows it—and he’s very afraid. Watch out, gov, at the next election. (AmmoLand)

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