Thursday, February 27, 2020

Gun-Free Zones

One of the silliest ideas anti-gun fools have come up with is the “gun-free zone.” People put up signs saying, “No Guns Allowed Here” and law-breakers fill them full of bullet holes. Law-breakers SEEK OUT gun-free zones because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding people there will not be armed, because they DO obey laws, even if they know they’re stupid laws. They have to know this, but they continue to establish more and more of them, while people die there because they’re disarmed and helpless when a law-breaker brings his ILLEGAL gun there to kill a few people. So far, with one or two exceptions, ALL mass shootings have occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” A favorite place for mass shootings is a school—ALL of which are gun-free zones. But a gun-free zone has never stopped a potential mass shooter from coming in and killing a few people. So what the hell GOOD are gun-free zones? Like all the other anti-gun fool bright ideas, they just get honest people killed, because all they do is disarm the law-abiding, while the law-breakers ignore them and kill people therein. The recent shooting in Milwaukee was in a gun-free zone, surprise, surprise! (The Gun Feed)

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