Wednesday, January 22, 2020

These People Are Stupid!

Recently a deranged individual went into a US military base featuring UNARMED military personnel and killed a few, before some ARMED men from OUTSIDE the base came in and dealt with him. The MINUTES between the time that fool started killing innocent military personnel and the arrival of the armed men who dealt with him meant DEATH for a number of them. So what happens? They reinforce the UNARMED situation on other military bases, making them DEFENSELESS against such fools. They immediately told other military personnel they didn’t care if they got murdered. These are people who are RESPONSIBLE users of guns. They are TRAINED to be. So what earthly reason do you BAN the carrying of firearms by base personnel when you KNOW that makes them prime targets for those deranged people who want to kill a few of them for whatever deranged reason they have in mind? The action by the “powers that be” at Offut Air Base is just the OPPOSITE of that which should be taken. Base personnel should not only be ALLOWED to be armed, but REQUIRED to be armed, with weapons supplied by the military. Security should be STRENGTHENED, not weakened. What fools there are running things there! (KETV)

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