Thursday, January 16, 2020

Stupid Response

What was the “instinctive response” to that civilian killing a would-be mass killer in that Fort Worth church? Why to stop that civilian from ever being able to save any lives in the future, so the next would-be mass killer would be successful because that civilian would be unarmed, and thus defenseless. That seems to be the “knee-jerk reaction” everywhere. When somebody stops a shooter (who usually is armed with an illegal gun) from killing a bunch of people, the “powers that be” quickly move to make it impossible for that hero to be able to stop any shootings in the future. What the hell they’re thinking, I can’t fathom. Walmart recently announced a ban on open carry in their stores, even where open carry is legal. Making their shoppers vulnerable to anybody who wants to hurt them, So in addition to gunmen who come in and shoot up their stores and rob people on their property, one woman came in and began shopping—for the ingredients to make a bomb. But thanks to a sharp-eyed security guard, she was stopped just before she lit a fuse (made from a shoelace she got from Walmart’s inventory). This illustrates a simple fact I have been talking about for a long time. If someone wants to do evil, they will find a way. And to remove all obstacles in their way is abysmally stupid. But that response seems to be the usual one. I hope we all survive such stupidity. I have tried to stop going to places like Walmart and Target, and others where guns are prohibited, but the practice has become so widespread, it’s impossible to stay away from stores with such stupid polities. (Independent Minute)

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