Thursday, January 30, 2020

Hysterical Overreaction

That’s the only description I can think of when I think about “authorities” so afraid of anything gun” that they would charge a student with terrorism and hold him in jail without bail for WEEKS for posting a PICTURE of a gun on the Internet. A PICTURE of a gun! And they put him in jail without bail for WEEKS! And it’s not even a real gun! Just a picture! How stupid is that? Yet this is the quality of people in “authority.” They’re so frustrated that they can’t get some of their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws approved that they overreact to a completely innocent thing like posting a picture of a gun, as if that were really terrorism. By so doing, they cheapen the very word used to describe a real danger. Meanwhile, other “authorities” give special treatment to the very Islamic terrorists that give real meaning to the name. One recent case was when one school required CHILDREN to write, “Allah is the only God.” Or allow teachers to teach about Islam in schools, while not allowing them to teach about Christianity. Meanwhile they do things like locking up a student for WEEKS because he posted a picture of a gun. How can we ever have any confidence in the intelligence of such “authorities?” Damn, the anti-gun fools are stupid! (Big League Politics)

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