Friday, January 3, 2020

Determined To Be Stupid

Immediately after that Fort Worth, Texas church killings that were stopped cold by a private citizen (not a cop) with his own gun, Dumocrats lined up and demanded the law that allowed him to be armed be changed to disarm him and make him, and that entire congregation defenseless against the next fool who comes in to kill a few of them. What the hell is WRONG with these fools? And these re the people who want to run this country after the 2020 elections. They can’t see the truth that is before their eyes, that the BEST way to stop mass killers is to allow the law-abiding to be armed, so they can stop them. They look at it and immediately demand stupidity—the disarming pf the very people who STOPPED that planned mass shooting by killing the shooter. I don’t know what these people have been smoking, but it should be banned—for all the good that would do. It amazes me that an entire political party can be made up of stupid people, but it’s true. (Western Journal)

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