Monday, January 13, 2020

These People Are Stupid!

What is the logical thing to do when threatened by an “outlaw?” Get a gun and be ready to oppose him in the only way he understands: equal opposition to his threat. But in reality, when a Dumocrat sees someone doing that, he/she wants to take away that gun and make him defenseless against the threat, while doing nothing about the threat. That became obvious when, after an “average citizen” with a legal gun killed a would-be mass killer in that church in Fort Worth, Texas, lawmakers rushed to make a law preventing him from being able to bring his gun into that church in the future. On a national scale, when President Trump surprisingly killed a rabid terrorist pretending to be a general in Iraq, who had murdered hundreds of innocent Americans among others, Nancy Peelosi and other Dumocrats rushed to make that impossible, too. It’s obvious they want to eliminate the very idea of self defense. Anti-gun laws are just a means to that end, for them. They will not be happy until they have destroyed the very concept of self defense. What they plan to do when attacked then, is beyond my comprehension. (Just common sense)

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