Friday, January 10, 2020

Not Just to Militia

Anti-gun fools try to convince us that the founders only meant to guarantee gun rights to “members of an organized militia,” so they can be free to deny them to everybody else. NOT SO. The wording is clear: “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” NOT “The right of militia members...” At the time of the writing of the Constitution, there was no such thing as an “organized militia” in existence, and the government considered ALL THE PEOPLE to be a “militia,” subject to being “called up” when needed, and they wanted them to bring their own guns with them, since they were not “flush with money” as they are, today. To attempt to limit gun ownership to an imaginary “organized militia” is really stupid. But that has never stopped the anti-gun fools before, and it won’t, in the future. They will cling tenaciously to that faulty belief, forever. The fact is, the Constitution guarantees ALL PEOPLE the right to self defense, and to own and keep the means to that end, a gun. That’s a fact. Not subject to debate. Yet they continue to deny it, and operate as if the Constitution did not exist. (Mercury News)

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